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CATIE hosts Maintaining the momentum: Hepatitis C and HIV in the context of harm reduction

CATIE Webinar: Maintaining the momentum: Hepatitis C and HIV in the context of harm reduction
WHEN: September 28, 2022
3 to 4:30 p.m. EDT

The landscape of drug use is changing in Canada due to shifting drug use patterns, inequitable access to harm reduction services and an ongoing drug poisoning crisis driven by a toxic drug supply, punitive drug laws and stigma. The current situation is causing incredible harm to people who use drugs and has placed a significant strain on people providing harm reduction services.

Hepatitis C and HIV disproportionately affect people who use drugs in Canada. It is essential that we understand evolving drug use patterns and how they relate to HIV or hepatitis C acquisition, and how harm reduction services can support the health of people who use drugs.
This webinar will provide a pan-Canadian snapshot of hepatitis C, HIV and drug use trends among people who use drugs. A panel of discussants will explore ways to maintain the momentum in Canada’s response to hepatitis C and HIV in the context of the overdose crisis.

Moderator: Shelley Taylor, Specialist, Education and Capacity Building, CATIE

• Chris Fraser, MD, Medical Director, Victoria Cool Aid Society
• Kayla DeMong, Executive Director, Prairie Harm Reduction
• Kate Harland, RN, Vice President, Harm Reduction Nurses Association
• Camille Arkell, Manager, HIV and Harm Reduction, CATIE

Register here.

Date and Time

September 28, 2022
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

