Our Approach
Explore the framework and approach that underpins WHAI's work.
The Who, What, Why & How of WHAI helps illustrate the interconnectedness behind the areas in which WHAI works.
Who, what, why & how
WHAI seeks to be informed by and amplify the experiences of those who face structural discrimination and exclusion, impacting HIV risk and the health outcomes of those living with HIV. As such, our work focuses on engagement with cis and Trans women, 2-Spirit and Non-Binary Femme people who identify as living with HIV, African, Caribbean, Black, Indigenous, or newcomers, who use drugs or substances, have experiences with violence and / or have been / are incarcerated. Within these communities, our work includes those who are pregnant or parenting, living with different abilities, and span from young adults to seniors.
“Healthcare should be designed based on women’s lived experiences. People should be listening to [women]. There isn’t enough of that.”
- Community Voice From Toronto