Our Work
WHAI is a community-based response to HIV and AIDS among Cis and Trans women in Ontario.
We take into account the structural and societal factors that increase women's risk factors for HIV.
This initiative is located in 16 AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) throughout Ontario.
We're working with communities across Ontario to support
women living with or facing systemic risk for HIV by:
Partnering with local community organizations to increase their capacity to respond to women's HIV-related needs.
Providing consultation and advice to local organizations as requested.
Facilitating or leading local initiatives to serve as a catalyst for the integration of HIV into programs and planning.
Providing HIV-related information to service providers in the community, at local community events, forums or conferences.
Distributing resource materials and other HIV prevention tools (safer sex materials, information, condoms, etc.) to community agencies serving women.
Providing HIV-related referrals to local community organizations and strengthening the relationship between the local HIV sector and other women-serving sectors.