February 21, 2024
Webinar: Shared Vision; Regional Action: Using Collective Impact to Strengthen Services for Women

Presenter: Molly Bannerman, Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative
Recorded On: Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 – 10:00 am
Molly Bannerman, the Provincial Director of the Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative (WHAI) in Ontario presented a webinar about WHAI’s work to strengthen communities. The WHAI builds capacity in organizations that provide services to women.
Working with coordinators in 15 sites, the WHAI uses a collective impact approach to identify key priorities overall and 3-4 priority goals with collective and collaborative actions each year. Molly covered network structure and function, as well as advocacy to integrate the voices of women with lived experience in meaningful ways. She also provided concrete examples of work in action that can be used by other organizations.